Monday, August 11, 2014

y coso.........

Wow what a week! So this week I had the chance to reflect on, THE GOAL OF SALVATION  and how important it is in our lives! It is so important that we all reach the goal of faith, repentance, baptism, receive the gift of the holy ghost, and endure to the end. As we reflect on that we are able to understand the importance of returning back to our Father in heaven!! What greater gift can you get than that! Not only that but we are able to live with our families for ETERNITY. Just take a minute to let that sink in, and then think about your life without that knowledge. It is heartbreaking! I have been so blessed to grow up with such wonderful parents and grandparents that have raised my brothers and sisters and I in the gospel, and that is all I want for all of the people in Argentina, and the world. I want everyone to experience the same joy that I know. 

As a missionary in Argentina it is so hard to hear the problems people have in their life and in their families. There is no doubt that Satan absolutely does not want families to be together forever, to be happy. But what better motivation than that? The greater the opposition, the greater the blessings. One of my favorite lines from the Joseph Smith Restoration video is, ''When we are doing the most good, we experience the most opposition''  and it's so true. This week has really strengthened my testimony of the family as the central focus of Heavenly Father's plan for us, Without the goal of salvation there would be no purpose in this life! This week with my investigators I got the oppotunity to teach multiple lessons to families who are so excited about the gospel and share with them that they can be together forever. 

This week Hermana Vincent is leaving her 18 months as a wonderful missionary, so me, Hermana Peterson and the ward decided to get together and create a little surprise party. Here in Argentina they like to have a little fun with eggs, and flour on every 15th birthday. On Sat night we got the oppertiuniy to throw eggs and flour all over Hermana Vincent and not only that did it turn into a big egg and flour flight! What good times. She was covered from head to toe and it took us about an hour to clean it all up. ooops. ha 

and Guess what!!!!! Its my 2nd transfer already,,,,We got a phone call Saturday night around 10:30 and they announced that My companion was Hermana Cruz..........what!!!!? Going to Bahia Blanca. WHAT!!!!  I was in total shock, I knew in my heart that I was staying in Pigue for at least a couple more transfers. I felt as if I wasn't ready for this change, I was heart broken, I have to leave my companion aka trainer, the members, and my investigators.  It was very hard for me to understand that I had to leave all of my investigators that me and my companion were doing so well with. That is when I had to realize that I did my part here in Pigue and that God has other plans in store for me. That my job was done.  These investigators will always be in my heart. I can't wait to hear all about there progress towards the goal of salvation. Pigue will always be my home.

Although leaving was hard I'm super excited for this next transfer. I am now with Hermana Cruz and she is a Latino from Honduras. She is super smiley and happy all the time and I can't wait to get to know her better and also get my Spanish so that it is picking up even more!!! 

I am so privileged and blessed for this time I have to give everything I can and sacrifice everything I am for the greatest cause there has ever been. It has been a really hard time leaving investigators you love and want so badly to watch them progress. But To my friends on missions and preparing for missions, WE CAN DO THIS. We are walking the path of the only perfect missionary and person to ever live, and He is with us always, and He He will give us help and relief. Our sufferings, our doubts, our heartaches for the people we serve, will only be for a moment. Shall we not go on in so great a cause?
I love this gospel. I love this work. I love my Heavenly Father and my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I bear testimony of Him as our Savior in His name, amen.

Homework Mosiah 18 .. THE GOAL OF SALVATION 

Funny story of the dia...This week Hermana Vincent told us she was at an investigator's home and they said have you ever heard an ant scream before? If you take an ant and wrap it in a tissue and put it close to your ear... it SCREAMS!  Try it!!?? 

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